Harris Plays the Race and Gender Card

Kamala Harris / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 27, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 /

Harris has always been terrible with her job as vice president of the United States. Even the mainstream media aren’t covering up for her failures anymore. We’ve seen her:

Now, the demo-rat blames her race and gender for her negative media coverage. 

According to the New York Times, she privately told her allies that her media coverage would be different if she were the same as her 48 predecessors… which she described as all “white and male.”

She also shared with them the difficulties of facing challenging issues such as voting rights and immigration.

Looks like Harris has no other excuses, so she’s playing the “race and gender” card…

Despite the media not covering enough of her mistakes, she still has some dem supporters who’ve got her back… for now.

Rep. Karen Bass says that the administration should have stood up for Harris more aggressively amid negative media coverage.

She said, “What the White House could’ve done is been clearer with the expectations of what was supposed to happen under her watch.”

Then she pointed out the double standard that goes beyond Harris’ gender. Bass added, “I know, and we all knew, that she would have a difficult time because anytime you’re a ‘first,’ you do. And to be the first woman vice president, to be the first Black, Asian woman, that’s a triple. So we knew it was going to be rough, but it has been relentless, and I think extremely unfair.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigiegalso did his best to defend Harris during an interview. He said, “I think it’s no secret that the different things she has been asked to take on are incredibly demanding, not always well understood publicly, and take a lot of work as well as a lot of skill. You have to do everything except one thing, which is taking credit.”

Hearing Bass and Buttigiegalso’s side may sound convincing at first. But they won’t be fooling anyone here…

Rep. Henry Cuellar – a fellow democrat – is very disappointed with Harris’ work when he worked with her on the border crisis. He shared his thoughts during an interview and exposed Harris’ true nature.

Cuellar said, “She was tasked with that job, it doesn’t look like she’s very interested in this, so we are going to move on to other folks that work on this issue.”

In the future, Cuellar said he would go straight to the West Wing with his concerns on migration rather than the Harris’ office. He considers working with the demo-rat a big mistake.

The reason why Harris can’t do her job well is not because of her gender or race… but because of her twisted character. She’s just a leader full of excuses and America doesn’t deserve someone like her…

Not that long ago, there was another minority woman in politics who had earned the respect of everyone. She was even touted as a great presidential candidate. 

Her name was Condoleeza Rice from the Republican party! Perhaps Harris might want to make it her business to find out why Condi was so well respected by all!

Harris should do America a big favor and step down before she and the Biden administration cause more damage.

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2 Thoughts to “Harris Plays the Race and Gender Card”

  1. Don

    Harris Plays the Race and Gender Card because these Chinese Communists BUTCHERS in the Whitehouse can not do anything else so they believe that the gender and race should give then what they want

  2. Highplainsdrifter

    Someone help me understand his. To hell with our cowardly government who is the toilet seat of china’s outhouse. Our athletes should have the ethical courage to say ” screw you china”. We refuse to participate in your murderous Olympics .Our country as of late has given lots of lip service on human rights here in our own country. Well folks, time to back it up. Don’t go to the covid parent of the world. Stand up for those in China who’ve been murdered and show the chicon government, you don’t get to play nice with the world when you are slaughtering your own people. If our athletes go, they are supporting the communistic murderers and should be shamed and denied entry back into the USA. Let them live out their lives in China since they put sports above human lives.

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